Michael Frind joins our team!

Michael Frind, groundwater modeller, has agreed to join the UniWater team of volunteers. Michael will be leading our Camel Caravan Team, who are responsible for the redistribution of reference textbooks around the globe. The books will go from the bookshelves of the many professionals (who don’t use them) in the developed world to the departmental libraries in the universities where UniWater is starting MSc programs in Africa. Our intent is to have volunteers in different cities who will pick up the books, store them, catalogue the books into a cloud-based database, and pack them up as needed. The delivery part of the camel caravan is the diaspora in our country who travel to Africa to visit family. UniWater will pay any extra baggage charges associated with this endeavour, and will do what it takes to ensure the books are transported in an effortless manner by the person travelling. Please contact Michael if you wish to help with this initiative.

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